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Are you a Multi-Passionate Mom

Do you find that you have so many ideas that it’s hard to pursue any of them?

Do you feel like if you pursue your passions that you won’t also be able to be a good mom?

Do you have a deep desire to help others and make a difference, but you’re not doing it to the level you’d like to?

Do you feel like you’re constantly trying to juggle multiple things and not doing a very good job at it?

Do you tend to get distracted easily and lose focus making it difficult to follow through on what you set out to do?

If you can relate to some of these statements, then chances are you ARE a multi-passionate mom.

But so what? What does being a multi-passionate mom have to do with anything? 

I’m willing to bet you were already the type of woman who cares deeply about the world and making a difference before having children. But since having children, your motivation became much greater and your desire much stronger. 

You know that by becoming the best version of yourself, your children will benefit, and that living your purpose will set an example for them to do the same. 

Having the motivation and desire to be a ‘good mom’ and do good in the world, puts you in a unique and powerful position to make a significant impact. 

Like other moms in this position, you may find yourself challenged with how to balance it all, how to get clear on exactly what your purpose is and how to follow through on it.

You may wonder if it’s even possible…

I used to wonder the same thing myself. I struggled with following my passion and starting my coaching business, because I just couldn’t see how to be successful in that and be a good mom and partner, while fulfilling my other obligations. I held myself back for a really long time until I finally saw a beautiful example of someone I respected who was doing it. She was an amazing mama, wife and successful entrepreneur who prioritized self-care and her passion for travel. I saw it first hand and my vision of what’s possible instantly expanded. 

See… the truth is when we show up for ourselves fully by prioritizing our needs, our values and pursuing our passions, we make an immediate positive impact on our children, our partners and just about everybody who crosses our path.

When our cup is full, we have more to give, we feel better, we thrive and we are better able to fulfill on our purpose.

Who doesn’t want that? 

The world needs each of us to be our best selves, to follow our hearts and do what lights us up and brings joy. 

The world needs each of us to take a stand for something and make a positive impact. 

The world needs each of us to love ourselves more fully, accept our gifts and embrace our purpose. 

The world needs each of us to step into our empowered woman and be confident and courageous in our pursuit to speak our truth powerfully and lovingly. 

The world needs each of us to rise to our potential and enlist the support necessary to make that happen. 

As a multi-passionate mom, you have a very important role to play. You get to make the greatest difference of all-by showing your children what it looks like to be an empowered agent of change who doesn’t settle for an ordinary life.  

As a multi-passionate mom myself, I understand how important it is to see examples of this vision for what’s possible. I understand the importance of having a community of like-minded women who are supportive and encouraging. I understand the importance of having a mentor who can offer guidance and coaching, like I’ve had.  

I understand this so well that I created a solution for us multi-passionate moms who are ready to step into our next-level selves, play a bigger game and live extraordinary lives. It’s called, The Multi-Passionate Moms Club.


I will be sharing more about this soon but if you are super curious and can’t wait to find out more, send me an email and I’ll share the deets. I’m not quite ready to launch, but I am taking an interest list now.

I will have limited Founding Member spaces for the initial launch at a special price. 

More to come on that, but for now, I’d like to end with this…

You are here to make a difference. You have what it takes and the world needs you.

Always remember that. 



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JUSTINE ARIAN, CPCC Certified Professional Co-Active Coach

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